So as I'm sitting here early on this Sunday morning, sleep deprived, I'm still finding myself extremely blessed! My three little monkeys(as I like to call them) are either running around playing or snoozing!! November 20th my incredible husband and i finally were able to introduce our first son, Austin Jay, to the world! Although the little guy has no idea what's ahead of him with 2 older sisters, I'm sure they will get along just fine! Our older 2 already love him so much and are so sweet with him. Even our one year old wild aubrie! Our 4 yr old Mackenzie is a little mommy and my big helper!! Life around here is def busier but it's also filled with more smiles, laughs and now coos! I'm slowly starting to feel back to my normal self and therefore slowly getting my camera back out! Right before I had him I had all these visions and dreams of all these newborn pictures I would take of him, not so much! Exhaustion and being so busy def took over!! I will try and post pics soon!